Organic Media

While the lavish homes of the rich and famous in Los Angeles have long been famed for their towering hedge walls, a revolutionary solution is emerging in Austin, Texas. ReLeaf, a forward-thinking cooperative, is transforming the way we consider privacy, aesthetics, and sustainability in residential landscapes.

Unlike LA's million-dollar hedges, ReLeaf offers a significantly more affordable and eco-friendly solution: living walls of vertical gardens, dubbed the VertiFlow. These unique structures have been turning heads and are set to redefine the boundaries of privacy and green living.

The VertiFlow system is an innovative creation of upcycled aluminum cans, forming vertical cylinders that reach anywhere between fence height and house height. They operate by catching and briefly holding water, simulating a temporary vertical river. This provides a consistent supply of water to a variety of plants growing within them, giving life to stunning vertical gardens.

Much like the towering hedges in LA, VertiFlow structures offer privacy. However, they do so without requiring a small fortune. These green walls also act as natural sound barriers and air filters, improving the quality of living spaces. Yet unlike their expensive and space-consuming counterparts, the vertical gardens utilize space efficiently, fostering biodiversity and adding a unique aesthetic element to urban spaces.

ReLeaf's revolutionary approach goes beyond merely offering a cost-effective solution to privacy. It's about fostering a community invested in environmental sustainability. ReLeaf operates on a shared-ownership model, encouraging community participation and promoting shared responsibility for environmental health.

As a community-focused cooperative, ReLeaf offers Austin residents the opportunity to participate in the creation of their living walls. The VertiFlow system is not just installed by the company but also involves the residents in its construction. This shared construction and maintenance create a sense of communal ownership, making these living walls much more than mere aesthetic elements or privacy screens. They are visual reminders of the shared commitment to sustainability within the community.

ReLeaf also emphasizes education and storytelling. Through workshops and community outreach programs, the cooperative teaches Austin residents about the importance of waste transformation and urban greening. This model allows the members to not only invest in their own privacy and beauty but also contribute to a larger ecological story.

The towering hedges of LA may be a symbol of wealth and exclusivity, but the living walls of ReLeaf represent something arguably more important: a community united in its commitment to sustainable living. With affordability, beauty, and sustainability at its core, ReLeaf's vertical gardens are set to revolutionize the way we envision urban landscapes.

W.A.S.T.E.: Words Assisting Sustainable Transformation & Ecology