Geometron by Trash Robot

This is a self-replicating book. It is by Trash Robot. I am Trash Robot and so are you. You can clone this book's git repository to your local machine, edit the tex files, compile into a pdf with pdflatex, and then get it printed from Lulu press print on demand and be the author, as can the next person.

The version you are reading now was copied and subsequently updated and made into web pages by ReLeaf (ReLeaf is the horticultural expression of Trash Robot).

This is an illuminated manuscript. Blank pages are left for authors to add illustrations and stories. Each physical copy of the book can be passed from reader to reader, and each reader can add notes about who they got the book from and who they're giving it along to after they are done and they can add illustrations using the geometric constructions described. Books can be traded, shared, and bartered for what we need to grow the swarm. We can all be the Trash Robot. You are the author because you are Trash Robot. You don't have to copy the manuscript and print it to do any of this. I'm going to sell the books at cost from Lulu press--you can just buy one at cost, illuminate it, pass it along and repeat. The book documents a self replicating set, which is Trash Robot. We, the authors, are all elements of the set Trash Robot, but so are a number of other things which we are replicating by use of the contents of this book. Those things include the software documented at, some textile crafts, fashion, accessories made from upcycled cardboard, bamboo structures, printer robots built from trash, laser cut acrylic shapes, and self replicating clay jewelry with arbitrary symbols printed on them, as well as a number of other odds and ends. But note that we, the authors are elements of this set! You are the Trash Robot! I am the Trash Robot! Book tour! Everywhere! Join the swarm! Call your local bookstore today and be the Trash Robot! Also the free pdf is here so you can just print it all out on a printer and hand bind it, making the illuminated manuscript even more fantastically valuable!

Manuscript is written in LaTeX. Markdown documents from Geometron are stored in scrolls/ directory, then converted from .md to .tex using pandoc at the *nix command line: pandoc -o filename.tex Files in .tex format are then copied to main directory and edited there using Visual Studio Code. Main.tex is the main LaTeX document which incorporates each of the chapters into a book format document, saved at main.pdf. This is the main working copy of the full manuscript. Opening it in Github can be unwieldy and cause github to crash your browser however.

As the author of this work, you should also help find and eliminate typos, clean up the writing to make it clearer, add in the things that were omitted, and make everything look more awesome, then pass it along to the next author and so on.

Book .pdf to print (8.5x11)

Book .pdf 6x9 format

buy 6x9 format printed at print-on-demand lulu press

Book Code