Explain Like I'm Five

Hey kiddo! So, there are some people who are really worried about the planet and how we treat it. They want to make sure that we all work together to take care of the earth and all the living things on it. One of these people, Donna Haraway, wrote a book called Staying with the Trouble Making Kin in the Chthulucene. In her book, she talks about how we need to think about the earth and all the living things on it like we are all part of a big family. She even came up with a special word, Chthulucene, to describe this new way of thinking. It means that we need to work together and help each other out to make sure everyone is happy and healthy. There are also some really cool stories called SolarPunk. These stories imagine a future where we all use green energy and work together with nature to create cities that are good for everyone. They use things like plants and natural materials to build houses and buildings. They also think about how people can work together to make sure the city is a nice place for everyone to live. Both Chthulucene and SolarPunk are about thinking of ourselves as part of a big group, instead of just thinking about ourselves. They want to make sure everyone is happy and healthy, and they use really cool ideas to do it. It's like a big adventure where we get to imagine and create fun solutions together!