Explain Like I'm Five

The Harry Ransom Center is a really cool place where they keep lots of books and papers from famous writers. One of these writers, Denis Johnson, wrote a book called Fiskadoro. It's about a world that's really different from ours, where there was a big accident and things are all messed up. But even though things are tough, the people in the book are really strong and smart, and they figure out how to make things better. There's a group in Austin called ReLeaf that's trying to make our city better too, by growing plants in a special way that helps the environment. They're kind of like the people in Fiskadoro, because they're finding new and creative ways to help our world. The Harry Ransom Center has all kinds of interesting things from Denis Johnson's book, and people are using technology to make it even cooler. They're making pictures and stories from the book come to life on their phones, so it's like you're really in the world of Fiskadoro. It's really important that we take care of our planet, and ReLeaf is doing a great job. By reading books like Fiskadoro and learning about the cool things people are doing in our city, we can help make the world a better place too.