Explain Like I'm Five

Once upon a time, there was a lady named Nora who lived in a little town called Harmonyville. Nora was a special member of a group called ReLeaf. She liked to make pretty things using things that other people didn't want anymore. Sometimes, Nora got very sad and needed help from her friends because her brain didn't feel well. But, when Nora was feeling better, she made lots of wonderful things that she shared with her friends in ReLeaf. They kept track of all the things Nora made and wrote down everything about them, like what inspired her and how she made them. This helped everyone remember how special Nora was and made sure she always got paid for her hard work. Even when Nora was feeling bad, ReLeaf made sure she didn't feel left out and still got paid for the things she made. Nora's friends were so proud of her and made sure she always felt good about herself. This made Nora very happy and showed that when people help each other, everyone can be happy.