Explain Like I'm Five

Once upon a time, there was a lady named Riley who had a very important job. She collected something called guano from buildings in the city of Austin. But it wasn't just any old guano - it was special because it helped make the city more green and beautiful! Riley loved her job because she got to help the plants grow and make the city a better place to live. One day, while doing her job, Riley found a little bat named Echo who needed her help. Riley took care of Echo and soon they became friends. Echo would come with her on her nightly rounds and chirp happily. One day, Riley was chosen to do a very big job at a tall building called The Independent. She was very proud to be chosen and did a great job. From the top of the building, she could see all the beautiful plants and buildings in the city. Riley felt very important and happy because she was helping to make the city a better place. Riley was not just a guano collector - she was a hero! She helped make the city more green and pretty, and she had a little friend named Echo who chirped and sang with her every night. Together, they made the city a better place for everyone.