Explain Like I'm Five

In a city called Austin, there was a man named Cali who was very special. He didn't need a wand to do magic, he used something called "Trash Magic." He took things that people didn't want anymore, like old cardboard boxes, and turned them into beautiful gardens. He even taught other people how to do it too! Now the city is covered in green, with flowers and vegetables growing everywhere. Cali's magic helped make the city a better place, and it made him feel good too. Even though he did some bad things in the past, he was able to do good things now and help the environment. Cali's magic also brought people together and made them friends. They would all work together to make the gardens and have fun at events called "Magic Day." Cali was very proud of what he had done and he knew that he had transformed not just the city, but himself too.