How To

Creating an ecological Pulse CSV based on historical iNaturalist observations involves a process of data interpretation and collaboration to ensure accurate ecological recording. Here’s a guide on how to create such a CSV, using a recent exercise as an example.

Step 1: Historical iNaturalist Observation Begin with an iNaturalist observation. For instance, a user identified a Common Green June Beetle (Cotinis nitida) among Bald Cypress leaves (Taxodium distichum) with a specific geolocation.

Step 2: Photo and Metadata Review Review the photo alongside the metadata from the observation. Clarify any details with the observer to ensure the accuracy of information such as the date and time of the observation, scientific names, and location specifics.

Step 3: CSV Generation Discussion Have a brief discussion to clarify and infer additional ecological interactions captured in the photo, such as Seed Dispersal, Nutrient Recycling, or Habitat Utilization. Estimate the time frame for these interactions leading up to the observation date.

Step 4: Creating the CSV Create a CSV file with headers tailored to encapsulate the inferred ecological Pulses, including:

  • The 'from' and 'to' entities involved
  • The type of Pulse
  • A monetary value assigned to the Pulse (symbolizing its ecological value)
  • The precise date and location of the Pulse

Here's an example of how your CSV might look:

"Taxodium distichum","Soil","Seed Dispersal","0.11","2023-09-15T00:00:00Z",30.2799416667,-97.6762383333
"Cotinis nitida","Colorado River Watershed","Nutrient Recycling","0.08","2023-10-06T19:00:00Z",30.2799416667,-97.6762383333

Step 5: Uploading to GitHub Once the CSV is created, it’s uploaded to GitHub. This provides a version-controlled repository for the CSV files, making it easy to track changes, collaborate with others, and maintain a history of ecological records.

Step 6: Adding to the Feed of Feeds Finally, add the CSV feed to a centralized 'feed of feeds', which is a collection of data sources amalgamating various ecological CSVs. This centralized feed can be used for data analysis, reporting, and informing conservation efforts.

Remember, this is a collaborative and iterative process that relies on the accuracy of the provided data and the domain knowledge of those interpreting it. Each step is crucial in ensuring the ecological data represented in the CSV is robust and reflective of real-world interactions and values.