How To

Drupal Commerce is a powerful eCommerce platform for Drupal. It uses the concepts of products, product types, and product variations. Let's delve into how these concepts work, and then we'll apply them to your vertical garden example.

1. Product: This is the actual item you're selling. It is the end result that the customer sees and purchases. For example, a "Vertical Garden" would be a product.

2. Product Type: This is a way to group similar products. Products of the same type will have similar properties or attributes. For instance, "Garden Kit" could be a product type, and your "Vertical Garden" would belong to this type.

3. Product Variation: These are different versions of the same product. They can include differences in color, size, material, etc. For example, you might have variations of your "Vertical Garden" product in terms of the number of tiers, the types of plants included, or the materials used for the frame.

Now, let's move on to how to set up a vertical garden using Drupal Commerce.

1. Create a Product Type: First, you'll need to create a new product type called "Garden Kit". To do this, navigate to `Commerce -> Configuration -> Product types -> Add product type`.

2. Define Fields: After creating the "Garden Kit" product type, you can define fields specific to this type. These might include Number of Tiers, Plant Types, Frame Material, etc. This can be done by editing the product type and adding fields.

3. Create Product Variations: Now, you can create variations of your vertical garden product. For instance, you could create variations with different numbers of tiers, different types of plants, and different frame materials. To create product variations, navigate to `Commerce -> Products -> Add product`.

4. Add Product: Now you can add your product, the "Vertical Garden". When adding your product, you will need to select the "Garden Kit" product type and specify the attributes (like number of tiers, plant types, frame material) for each variation you're adding.

W.A.S.T.E.: Words Assisting Sustainable Transformation & Ecology