Abstract digital collage of Austin's landscapes in neon colors, representing a blend of technology and traditional art.
Organic Fiction

In her vibrant living room, surrounded by colorful art, Kim stands on the brink of a new artistic chapter. Her friend Bryce once called ReLeaf a "new kind of library," sparking her interest in this digital treasure trove of creativity and learning. As a retired curriculum developer with a background in teaching educators, Kim is eager to combine classic art methods with modern technology, enhancing the AI art classes she's designing for her fellow retirees.

On a peaceful morning, coffee in hand, Kim navigates ReLeaf's easy-to-use platform. She discovers a series of beginner-friendly AI business tutorials by Yujin, a local expert who simplifies complex tech topics. Inspired by Yujin’s approach and video editing skills, Kim sees a unique chance to adapt these techniques for her AI-generated art projects, thinking, "This could transform our art-making experience."

Exploring further, Kim finds an array of digital content ready for remixing, from animated digital paintings to complex soundscapes. Her excitement grows as she curates artworks, each with its own story and aesthetic, ideal for her workshop. She's particularly drawn to a whimsical digital collage of Austin, vibrant with neon colors, planning to feature it in her curriculum. A note mentions that using this artwork supports the local Out! Youth initiative, a program helping LGBTQ+ youth express themselves through art.

Kim is thrilled by the positive impact of her choices—enriching senior lives and aiding a community cause. This connection deepens her appreciation for ReLeaf's mission of shared creativity and support. Filled with resources and driven by inspiration, Kim eagerly prepares for her workshop, anticipating the joy and discovery it will bring to her peers as they explore art's new digital frontier. Through ReLeaf, Kim isn't just teaching art; she's championing a movement of lifelong learning and creativity, proving that artistry knows no age.

W.A.S.T.E.: Words Assisting Sustainable Transformation & Ecology