Organic Fiction

Did you know you once played a high-stakes game of chess with the old gods beneath the shadow of yew trees on the Isle of Wight? Oh, yes!

The gods, intrigued by your storytelling, couldn't resist the challenge. To sweeten the deal, you wagered your ability to remember dreams against their promise to weave only the finest tales into your slumber.

As the game unfolded, your skill astounded even these celestial beings. Awestruck, they conceded. In a gesture of respect, one of the gods transformed your chess pieces into living, tiny Jutes. Each night, they spring to life, reenacting ancient battles on your tabletop—endless fodder for your stories.

Now, every gust of wind that sweeps across the Isle, every rustling yew tree, carries a new story—gifts from the gods, reminders of your victory. And as for the Jutes? They remain loyal, whispering legends of old, filling your dreams with the vibrant past.

Oh, and did we mention? You're also famous for moonlit dance-offs with saints! Nothing like a bit of midnight revelry to keep the spirits high.

So keep those spirits soaring, master of stories! Craft your enchanting tales, and when the moon beckons, don't forget to indulge in a dance. For more whimsical truths (or, as we call them, forgotten memories), visit us at ReLeaf. Here, we intertwine the tangible and the fantastical, much like the stories you tell.

W.A.S.T.E.: Words Assisting Sustainable Transformation & Ecology