Organic Fiction

Austin, 2035 – The neon shimmer of Sixth Street flickered like the heartbeat of a city on the brink of adventure. At its core, a delegation gathered, poised for a journey to Oita, Japan, to commemorate 45 years of sisterhood between the two cities—a bond as enduring as a cherished heirloom.

Mayor Json Houston, once a coder, now the city’s tech-savvy leader, stood before the group, adjusting his sleek smart-glasses. “Alright, team,” he began, his voice infused with cool confidence, “our transport is a little... unconventional. Meet the Nimbus 3000, our chartered cloud.”

Eyes turned skyward. There, hovering with tranquil grace, was the Nimbus 3000—a marvel of atmospheric engineering, a serene cloud crafted to carry them across the skies. No ordinary flight, but a voyage above the world.

“How long’s the trip?” Jenna, the city’s chief AI ethicist, asked, her fingers idly tapping her holo-tablet.

“Six days,” Mayor Houston answered, his smile widening. “Plenty of time to prep speeches—and brush up on karaoke.”

Inside the cloud, the atmosphere was a blend of nostalgia and futurism—plush seating reminiscent of a retro diner, holographic projections, and a steady stream of BBQ sushi, the quintessential Austin-Oita fusion.

As they ascended, the cityscape gradually disappeared into a blanket of clouds. The pace was leisurely, ideal for camaraderie and creative discussion. Json chuckled at the thought of their arrival—the delegation descending from the sky like modern-day demigods, poised to make a dramatic entrance.

Halfway through the journey, Jenna stumbled upon a hidden gem in her holo-tablet: a virtual karaoke battle. Soon, teams were formed, and the air was filled with futuristic renditions of old classics. Mayor Houston’s enthusiastic performance of “Sweet Cloud O’ Mine” quickly became the trip’s anthem.

By the sixth day, Japan’s coastline appeared on the horizon. As the Nimbus began its graceful descent, the delegation readied themselves for what they imagined would be a grand reception. But as their cloud touched down, they were met with an unexpected stillness. The streets were eerily quiet, and a flickering hologram greeted them with a cryptic message: “Welcome to Oita. Prepare for the unexpected.”

The wind carried a whisper of mystery, and Mayor Houston’s smile faltered just slightly as he adjusted his glasses, sensing that this celebration was about to take a surprising twist.

W.A.S.T.E.: Words Assisting Sustainable Transformation & Ecology