Organic Fiction

Austin, 2050. The city was a patchwork quilt of greenery, every surface dripping with flowers and foliage. Thanks to ReLeaf, the cooperative wonder, the urban jungle had become literal. Contributors reveled in residual incomes, each plant a tiny paycheck, a far cry from the exploitative systems of Uber and the oil barons of yore.

Enter Alexis "Lex" Ryder, garden hacker extraordinaire, and part-time detective. Lex was no stranger to the underbelly of the city's leafy façade. With a trench coat perpetually stained green at the hems, Lex prowled the streets, eyes peeled for anomalies in the chlorophyll.

One evening, Lex found themselves on a rooftop garden that screamed "Suspicious!" louder than a peacock in a library. The plants were too perfect, their leaves too symmetrical. It was the kind of garden that paid for itself and then some. Lex's nose for trouble twitched.

"Alright, you overachieving begonias, what are you hiding?" Lex muttered, deploying a nanodrone into the foliage. The drone buzzed through the greenery, detecting a pulse beneath the petals—a signal.

Lex hacked into the irrigation system, fingers dancing over the interface. The system spat back encrypted messages, hidden in the ebb and flow of nutrients. The Verdant Veil, the shadowy group whispered about in garden circles, had left their mark.

Just as Lex was about to crack the code, a voice interrupted. "Admiring the begonias, are we?"

Lex spun around to see a figure cloaked in shadows, holding a pruning shears with an unsettling gleam.

"Cutting it a bit close, aren’t we?" the figure continued, stepping into the moonlight. It was Morgan Thorn, the notorious head of the Verdant Veil.

Lex's heart raced. "I knew you were behind this, Thorn. Using ReLeaf’s cooperative system to hide your schemes."

Thorn chuckled, a sound as cold as a January frost. "Clever, aren't you, Ryder? Too bad you won't live to tell anyone about it."

With a swift motion, Thorn clipped a vine, and the garden transformed. Vines twisted into snares, flowers turned to traps. The tranquil rooftop became a verdant nightmare.

Lex dodged a thorny embrace and stumbled back. "You won't get away with this, Thorn. The collective won’t stand for it!"

Thorn's smile was a venomous bloom. "The collective won’t know. They'll think you disappeared in the night, just another gardener lost to the green."

As the vines closed in, Lex saw their nanodrone, still buzzing in the foliage, transmitting data. A desperate idea bloomed in Lex's mind.

"Let’s see if this garden can take a little pruning," Lex quipped, activating the drone's emergency signal. The device emitted a high-pitched whine, confusing the plant's sensors.

For a brief moment, the vines hesitated, and Lex made a break for the edge of the roof. Just as they leaped to the adjacent building, a vine snagged their coat, dragging them back.

The last thing Lex saw was Thorn’s smirk as darkness closed in, the green tendrils tightening around them. The cliffhanger of their life had never been this literal, or this leafy.

To be continued...

W.A.S.T.E.: Words Assisting Sustainable Transformation & Ecology