QTvr file:

Step into a captivating digital panorama that transports you to a one-of-a-kind artistic installation near Austin's Central Library— "Crullers," a family of three enchanting sculptures created by Texas artist Sharon Engelstein. Known as Tall Solo, Big Mama Baby, and Little Mama, these imaginative forms challenge your perceptions and invite you to define what "family" means to you.

As you navigate this QTVR experience, you'll have a 360-degree view of these sculptures, each crafted with meticulous detail. Explore the rich textures and colors of the figures, created using steel armature, milled foam, and pigmented glass fiber reinforced concrete. Take note of how the artist drew inspiration from beloved animals like elephants and hippopotamuses to imbue these sculptures with a sense of creature-like vitality.

Big Mama Baby and Little Mama await you in their cozy grassy nest, located opposite the Central Library, while Tall Solo has "wandered off" to a spot at 3rd Street and West Avenue. You may see them as animals, spacecraft, scoops of ice cream, or even natural rock formations—each interpretation enriching your experience and extending an invitation to converse and ponder the many forms family can take.


The Book of Geometron

ReLeaf invites you to read and rewrite anything that you find here. Be the Trash Robot.