ReLeaf: Fair Share for Product Makers

There's a company called ReLeaf that wants to make things fair for everyone who helps make a product. Usually, big companies make all the money from the things we buy, even if other people helped make them. ReLeaf wants to change that. They think that everyone who helps make something should get a fair share of the money it makes. They also think that people should get paid for their ideas and hard work. ReLeaf wants to make sure that everyone who helps make something gets a piece of the thing they helped make. This way, everyone can be happy and successful together!

6 Tips for Better Gardening: Confidence, Leadership, and Learning

1. "Knowing what we like and what we are good at can help us make our garden better. We can learn what works best for us and make sure we do things that are good for the environment too." 

2. "Believing in ourselves and our choices helps us do things with more confidence. We can be confident in how we design our garden and take care of our plants." 

3. "Thinking about what we did and how we can do better next time helps us get better at gardening." 

ReLeaf: Making the World Better through Nature and People

ReLeaf is a really cool group that helps make the world a better place. They take care of nature and make sure people are happy and healthy. They use ideas from smart people to figure out how to do it best. They think about how the way things look and feel can affect how we act and feel. They want to make sure that everything they do helps the environment and makes people feel good. They want to keep doing good things and help everyone be happy and healthy!

Discover the World of Fiskadoro and ReLeaf in Austin

The Harry Ransom Center is a really cool place where they keep lots of books and papers from famous writers. One of these writers, Denis Johnson, wrote a book called Fiskadoro. It's about a world that's really different from ours, where there was a big accident and things are all messed up. But even though things are tough, the people in the book are really strong and smart, and they figure out how to make things better. There's a group in Austin called ReLeaf that's trying to make our city better too, by growing plants in a special way that helps the environment.

Understanding Connection: The Philosophy of David Bohm

Let's talk about a really smart and cool guy named David Bohm. He studied things like science and philosophy and wanted to understand how everything in the world is connected. He thought that instead of thinking of everything as separate, we should think of everything as one big thing that's always moving and changing. This way of thinking can help us be nicer to each other and take care of our planet better. We can even make gardens in unexpected places to show how everything is connected!

Discovering Mueller's Secrets: Emory's Trail Adventures

Once upon a time, there was a man named Emory who loved to go for walks on the trails in a place called Mueller. He thought the trails were very special and they helped him feel connected to the land. There was a big shiny dome in Mueller that Emory liked to look at and it was called the Fuller Dome. Some people made fun of it, but Emory thought it was very interesting. One day, Emory found a fruit called Strawbactus that was part strawberry and part cactus. He thought it tasted very good and wondered if it had something to do with the Fuller Dome.

Nature-Inspired Art: Austin Kids Create Beautiful Surprises

Kids in Austin are making really cool art with flowers and leaves they find on the ground! They're inspired by an artist named Andy Goldsworthy. They make the art at night and surprise everyone in the morning with their beautiful creations. It's like a big secret club where they try to make better and better art. People in Austin love guessing who made the art and where it came from. It's really special because they're using things from nature to make something beautiful. It's like they're saying even the little things can be important and pretty.

Old Man Eli's Story: How People Saved the Earth

Once upon a time, there was a man named Old Man Eli who loved to tell stories to kids. He told them about a time when the world was a little bit wonky and people didn't always take care of the earth. But then, people got clever and started working together to make things better. They turned waste into something useful, like gardens and green walls. They even planted trees and buried time capsules to remember the good things that happened each year. And when they opened the time capsules years later, they laughed at the silly things they thought would happen in the future.

BioStack: The Superhero Secret Agent for Growing Plants in Cities

This is a story about a city that is really big and has lots of tall buildings. But in the city, there aren't many places with trees and plants, which makes some people sad. But, a new thing has come to help people grow plants in the city! It's called BioStack, and it's like a secret agent that helps you take care of your plants. It has a special app that tells you what to do, and makes sure your plants stay healthy. BioStack is like a superhero that can handle anything the city throws at it, and it even waters your plants for you!

DIY Recycled Garden: How to Make a Vertical Planter

Hey kiddo! Do you know what recycling is? It's when we take old things and turn them into new things instead of throwing them away. Today, we're going to make a special garden using things we've recycled! First, we'll need some plastic containers that have holes in the bottom. We'll put a string or a hose through the holes to help water the plants. We'll also need some fabric to keep the dirt from falling out of the holes. Then, we'll stack the containers on top of each other and put them on a fence. We'll put a big tray of water at the bottom to help keep the plants nice and wet.