Zilker Park: A Model of Community Integration in Austin

In 2025, a lot of people came to Austin, Texas from South America. They came because things were not good in their own countries and they wanted to find a better life. The people in Austin were very kind and welcoming to the newcomers. They let them stay in a big park called Zilker Park. But the park didn't stay the same. It changed a lot! The people who lived there made it into a place where everyone could live together and share things. They made new houses and gardens and even a big kitchen where they cooked food for everyone.

The VertiFlow Flow!

(Verse 1)
Yo, we're making a stand, with VertiFlow as the brand,
Austin's land, it's getting grand,
From wall to dome, in every home,
Bringing back the Woodpecker's roam, in natural chrome.

VertiFlow, VertiCan, it's our master plan,
VertiFlow over the cuckoo's nest, life spans,
Every can is a new chance, a rebirth in a glance,
Join the green dance, give lifeforms a chance.

Versatile VertiFlow: Endless Possibilities for Your Garden Design

The Wick-ed VertiFlow system can make lots of different things! You can make a tall tower for plants to climb on, a pretty wall for your garden, or even a bridge for people to walk across. They can also make a cool spiral shape or an overhead structure for shade. The VertiFlow system can connect at any point, so you can make all kinds of cool shapes!

Invite Birds to Your Backyard with a Vertical Garden Feeder

Have you ever seen a bird in your backyard? They are really cool and help our environment. There are special things called bird feeders that we can put outside to invite more birds to hang out with us. They help make our backyard pretty and fun to watch. But there is a new kind of bird feeder that is even better! It's called a vertical garden and it's made just for birds. It has lots of different plants that birds like to eat and play in. It even has a place for them to drink and take a bath!

ReLeaf: Using Fungi to Enhance Urban Gardens and Sustainability

ReLeaf is a company that likes to make cities look more like nature. They do this by making gardens that go up high on buildings. Now they want to learn more about something called "fungi". Fungi are tiny living things that help plants grow big and strong. ReLeaf wants to use fungi in their gardens to make the plants even healthier. They also want to teach people about how important fungi are for our planet. Fungi can even help us clean up our garbage! ReLeaf is trying to be really good at taking care of the earth and making sure everything stays healthy and happy.

ReLeaf: Turning Waste into Beautiful Gardens for a Greener City

There is a group called ReLeaf that is really good at making waste into something useful. They take things that people don't need anymore and turn them into beautiful gardens! These gardens are very tall and can be seen from far away. They make the city look really pretty and help the environment. ReLeaf also makes sure that everyone who helps them gets rewarded for their hard work. They want everyone to be happy and work together to make the city a better place. ReLeaf is like a treasure map that helps us find new and exciting places in the city.

ReLeaf: Turning Waste into Gardens for a Better World

ReLeaf is a group of people in Austin who take things that would be thrown away and turn them into gardens that grow up instead of out. They also write down everything about the things they use and who helped make the garden, so we know where everything came from. This helps us care more about the things we use and not waste them. Everyone who helps make the gardens is important and gets paid fairly. But we also need to remember that some of the things they use come from people who have been mistreated in the past, so we need to be respectful and learn from them.

ReLeaf: Turning Trash into Gardens for a Better Planet

Hey there! Have you ever heard of something called climate change? It means that the world is getting warmer and it's not good for the planet. But, there are some people who are trying to make things better! One of those people is ReLeaf, a group in Austin that takes trash from businesses and turns it into gardens! They're like magic! They take things that people don't want anymore and turn them into something beautiful that helps the environment. This is really important because it helps make the world a better place to live in. ReLeaf is like a superhero team for the planet!

Biomimicry & Fractals: Magic for Plants

ReLeaf is a company that makes gardens that are like nature. They use special designs called biomimicry and fractals to help plants grow better. In the gardens, there is something called a VertiCan that looks like a tall tube with a hole in the bottom. It helps water flow slowly so plants can drink it without getting too wet. The roots of the plants also grow in a special pattern that helps them get more nutrients. The gardens also attract lots of tiny creatures that help the soil stay healthy. The gardens can be stacked up to make big walls covered in plants, just like a forest.